
I was born in 1964 and as far as I can remember we have always had dogs. When I was very young, my parents had smaller breeds. The 'microbe' hit, however, when we bought our first Dobermann, I was 15 years than (1979). The rest is history...


1985  Birth of my first Rottweiler : Sheba v Rialfo (bitch).

1987  Birth of the first dog who I competed in the sport & show : Nero vd Markenrichter (Rottweiler male). Highest IPO/SCHH-score of Nero: 88-87-83=258/300.



1989  First official working title : KKUSH GP Brevet (Belgian Obedience program).

1989  Start of Helper work (mentor : IPO/SCHH-Judge Luc Declercq).

1989  First IPO/SCHH title.

1990  Foundation of 'v. SCHLOSS HEXENTAL' Kennel.

1990  First Koerung.

1991  Nero was the first Rottweiler to achieve both KKUSH GP & IPO3 in Belgium.

1992  Birth of our first litter 'Q' (Queeny & Quinta v Schloss Hexental became some of the best producing bitches ever of working Rottweilers in Belgium).

1992  Helper and Obedience Instructor in VVDH KG Groeninghe (Belgian SV)

1993  Birth of Raika v Schloss Hexental who became the best producing Rottweiler-bitch ever in the history (she produced World CH. SCHH3 Tyson-, World CH. Tron- and Multi CH. Umbro vh Polderbos)

1994  I became selected for the BRK-team 'IFR SCHH3 World Championship 1995 in Austria' with Magnus v Gluecksstern, highest IPO/SCHH-score of Magnus: 98-91-93=282/300.

1994  First 'K-9 Police dog trial' with Magnus, 1st place (high in trial).

1994  My wife becomes independent in my parents' Gardencenter.

1995  First Show as Apprentice under FCI-Conformation-Judge.

1996  Birth of Uschi v Schloss Hexental who would become Europe’s most diverse titled Rottweiler bitch ever and of her only brother Uber v Schloss Hexental who would become the second Belgian Rottweiler to obtain both Belgium Ring & Mondioring.

1996  First K-9 Police dog Seminar (in Lissabon, Portugal).

1997  Official FCI Helper IPO/SCHH/VPG.

1997  Official CFR Ringsport/Koerung Helper (first foreigner to achieve this title).

1997  Igor v Muthmannsdorf became the first Belgian Rottweiler ever who was 'Gekoert' in both France & Belgium. Highest IPO-score of Igor: 97-90-92=279/300.

1997  First trial as Helper IPO/SCHH.

1997  I became Helper & Head Training Director of the BRK 'KG Oost Vlaanderen'.

1998  Founder, President & Head Training Director of the 'Vlaamse Politiehond Vereniging vzw' (one of the biggest K-9 Police & Schutzhund clubs in Belgium).

1999  Official VLPV ZTP/Koerung/Mental-Tester.

1999  First ZTP/Koerung as Helper/Tester.

2002  Author of the book '30 Years of European Rottweiler breeding 1970/2000'.


2002  Breed Warden of the BRK (Belgian Rottweiler Club) for 'Litter control'.

2005  Official ARV Rottweiler Conformation ‘A’Judge

2006  Together with my wife we started our own K-9 Dogsport Equipment & Outdoor Shop.

2006  Bodo v Schloss Hexental is the first Rottweiler ever who’s titled SCHH, M.Ring, K-9 or POL.DH

2006  Mental Test Judge and Training Director of the BRSDC (UK Rottweiler Sports Dog Club)

2007  Committee Member & European Advisor of the BRSDC.

2007  President of the British Rottweiler Sportsdog Club

2009  President of the VARK (Flemish-Ardennes Rottweiler Club)

2010  Inventer of the patented MCRS (Magnetic Canine Reward System)

2011  Birth of my first English Springer Spaniel 'Armani'

2016  Owner of the Diplome of Honour and Gold Medal of Merit for excellent contribute to the Belgian Dogsport

2019  President of the BG Vlaamse Ardennen NBRC (National Belgian Rotweiler Club)


As Helper & Trainer I was trained by some of the best mentors in their time. My Special thanks go to Mario Verslype from whom I have learned much deeper understanding of dog-behavior.

I had as well also the privilege to work personally dogs of many top trainers (regional, national and even world champions).

I was selected for the World Championships in 1995, I did the selections for the French Championship in 1997 and I was Coach of 1 World Champion and multiple participants of world cups

I wrote several articles for e.g. Dogsport Australia, Dogsport Russia, BRK, NRC, CFR, LASER UK, Mexico, CKURK China, RCTC, USRC magazines, etc   www.therottweilerchronicle.com/trc7_verschatse.htm

My dogs I have titled in following disciplines: IPO, SCHH, BH, CSAU, AD, TSG, EG, Obedience, Mondioring, K-9 Police Dog, Reality, RST, BBT, Koerung, ZTP, TAN.TC.TU, etc.

I gave Training-, Breeding selection and/or Show-Seminars in Belgium, France, Switzerland, England, Norway, Finland, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Malta, Malaysia, Syria, China, Mexico, USA, etc

As Show-judge I acted in Russia, Malta, Luxembourg, GB, USA, Mexico, China, etc

Katrien with two Hexental puppies.


Obtained qualifications:

Breeder of the 'vom Schloss Hexental' kennel

Manager of 'K9K4-Group' www.K9-K4.be  

ARV Rottweiler Show Judge

KC Rottweiler Show Judge

ARV Judge for BH, AD, BBT, ZTP, Koerung

BRSDC Judge BBT, ZTP, Koerung

VLPV Judge BBT, ZTP, Koerung

RCM Judge BBT, ZTP, Koerung

Helper for IPO/RCI/SCHH/K-9

CFR Ringsport Helper for Koerung

Helper for Personal Protection and K-9 Police Dogs

VVDH Instructor Obedience

Founder & President VLPV

Founder & President VARK

Ex-President & Advisor of BRSDC

Author of a book and many K-9 articles in magazines and on the internet

Coach of national and international top K-9 athletes

Ring Secretar & Trial Responsible on various competitions

Inventor & Manager of the   'International Working Rottweiler day 1'  &  'International Working Rottweiler day 2' 

Inventor & Patent holder of the  www.MCRS-magnetball.be  'MCRS® Magnet Ball'

Dog Behaviorist  https://www.workingdogsanddogsport.com/en/artikel-26/interview-met-guy-verschatse


I give Workshops and Seminars, I speak fluent English, German, French and Dutch





Seminar in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)


K-9 Seminar in Athens (Greece)